Friday, August 8, 2008

Day 8 - session 8 on 08/08/08: if that isn't a good sign

Loosing taste? It's day 8 and for the first time I've felt as if food starts tasting differently. Today I had a session at 08:20am. I don't feel as tired as yesterday even though I got up at 6am. Despite of the losing taste sensation or maybe just because of it I treated myself with a great birchemuesli at Spruengli in Zurich.

Looking forward to the weekend without any sessions. The pain in the tongue is a little bit less than on previous days.

The therapy goes on and hopefully leads to a full destruction of all tumor cells. In addition to this process I'm reading more about complementary treatments and efforts. I'm dealing with the cancer for more than three years now but so far, I haven't changed my way of living. The three years can be divided into three phases:

  • initial diagnose and treatment
  • active lymph node on the right side and removal
  • recessive come back with three bigger surgeries including lymph node removal on left side and radiation
If the third phase has anything good about it, than it should be that I improve my way of living. With improving way of living I pretty much mean becoming more aware. Something I wanted to achieve for a long time but never worked on hard enough before.

  • yoghurt drink
  • 3 slices of bread with butter and jam
9 o-clock snack
  • birchemuesli see picture
  • of course some green tea
  • tomato mozzarella salad
  • pork steak and potato salad
  • another tomato mozzarella salad

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