Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 11

In addition to the session I also met the radiation oncologist. Her only concern was my weight. She also mentioned I should make sure to not lose any weight. I got some fluid drugs for local anesthetization. I can take it 5 minutes before eating. It will make eating less painful. 

I also was told to not go swimming anymore. The skin gets irritated and I should not irritate it further with water and chemicals. The risk is, that I'll get some open wounds on the neck. The norm is to have at least something like a "sunburn" and I should make sure I stay with the norm.

  • three slices of bread and jam
  • potatos
  • ham and eggs

1 comment:

Luuk said...

good story. hang in there & get well Giorgio. i'm counting on you to be up & running next ski season to teach me some proper off-piste skiiing.